Getting started

A working Java Spring-Boot application is provided, based off the Star Wars API tests and test data. If you’re using Spring Boot, check out the graphql-spring-boot-starter!

A working Kotlin example can be found in the tests.

Quick start

To add graphql-java-tools to your project and get started quickly, do the following.

Build with Gradle

Make sure mavenCentral is amongst your repositories:

repositories {

Add the graphql-java-tools dependency:

dependencies {
    compile 'com.graphql-java-kickstart:graphql-java-tools:13.0.3'

Build with Maven

Add the graphql-java-tools dependency:


Using the latest development build

Snapshot versions of the current master branch are available on JFrog. Check the next snapshot version on Github

Build with Gradle

Add the Snapshot repository:

repositories {
    maven { url "" }

Build with Maven

Add the Snapshot repository:
